Keep the Beer in Christmas

Truth be told, first and foremost, heretofore and whatnot... I like IPA's.
Its just been my thing for the last few years, ever since trying my first DogFish Head 60 Minute.
Watch my Untappd "I Believe in IPA!" badge count continue upward from 46 as I explore that amazing world of hops.

But here we are counting down the Twelve Days of Christmas. And as the season dictates, my beer club members are bringing in their latest finds, all with fruit and spice and snowy labels. Some brought ales, some found winter warmers. I can appreciate the idea of all of this -- after all, 'tis the season for something that warms your insides, puts some red in your cheeks, and lets be honest... its what keeps Santa jolly.

Here's my problem: I'm not here to drink a fruitcake. Seriously. No one wants to eat one, let alone drop one in a Vitamix with some corn syrup and a bottle of nutmeg.

Yet I still try them, as I tried one-too-many pumpkin beers over the past few months. I get it. Every brewery wants in on the craze, needs to serve the market. Its just not for me I guess. Unless you can keep a balance of the added produce to the flavor of the underlying beer.


Strike that.

Too many of these brews are outweighing the "beer" flavor and feel. Its the Fruitcake Factor.

If you're with me on that, but you're in the Christmas spirit, give Flying Dog's K9 Winter Warmer a try. And don't let the label fool you, the "Cardamom, Vanilla Bean, and Cocoa" are subtle enough to let the ale shine, but Christmas'y enough to jingle your bells.


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